ProVisi Mandiri Pratama
We collaborate with companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), foundations, education offices, schools and government, to assist social responsibility (CSR) programs by designing and implementing various programs to improve the quality of education in related areas.

Let’s raise the bar in education, together!
Raise the Bar in Education, Together!
No longer using ProVisi Education as the brand, ProVisi Mandiri Pratama settled with ProVisi to keep on striving for initiatives and actions in education. We are here to collectively initiate and raise the bar of literacy, numeracy, character, and technology enhancement. Our initiatives started with Literacy Development, continued by Teaching and Learning Improvement, and completed by Technology Enhancement. We do believe that together, we can raise the bar in education!

And, Kayabaca as Our Manifestation
If we can dream it, we can make it! Kayabaca is our manifestation to touch people with our stories that highlight the wealth and beauty of nature, as well as Indonesian local wisdom in authentic and imaginative ways. Our books and its derivatives are born from the creative process in collaboration with experienced local writers, illustrators, editors, and designers, by prioritizing knowledge and cultural values in line with times.
Caring to Literacy and Environmental Issues
Beside SDP, ProVisi Education scaled the programs that focus on literacy and environment. 2014 marked our collaboration with Room to Read in sparkling the magic of reading in Indonesia. While in the deteriorating state of the environment, a significant and immediate behavioral change is required. We contributed to the Adiwiyata Program at schools.

Known as ProVisi Education
The year marked the launch of ProVisi Education as our brand, where we started partnering with NGOs and MNCs, as the implementing partners for their education programs in Indonesia. Our hero program was School Development Program (SDP), that aimed to develop the quality of schools especially in rural areas of Indonesia.
We are ProVisi Mandiri Pratama
In search of meaning, Romy Cahyadi, Ernawan Tansari, Juli Adrian, Robbi Cahjadi, and Rusdi Sandjaja created ProVisi Mandiri Pratama on 24 September 2002, with a mission to significantly contribute to the improvement of education quality in Indonesia. Though none of them have background in education, ProVisi Mandiri Pratama started the first steps with the Teacher and Student Competency Development Program at schools in Jakarta and its surroundings.